So I was watching Anderson yesterday. His show was about Mom's having favorite kids. They say that every mom out there has a favorite, they just don't talk about it. I find that interesting... one mom yesterday was absolutely favoring one child over the other. She openly admitted it. How is the other child going to feel later in life??
So growing up my mom totally had a favorite. You'd think it was me cause I'm so awesome, well you'd be wrong. My older brother was totally the favorite. Then ten years later my younger brother became the favorite. Need examples, o.k I'll give you some.
- mom had pictures taken with each child when they were babies... she blew up the ones with the boys and hung them on the wall.
- mom would take Nic out of school for a "special day" these happened quite often... on a side note I did enjoy going to school and Nic didn't
- mom and dad had a plaque with Nic's birth info engraved on it.
- there were 2 times more photos of the boys then me hanging up on the walls. I actually went around one time and counted them, just to prove a point. That is when she blow up a baby picture of me and her and hung it on the wall.
- mom had a huge photo frame of Nic and then Chris of all their baby pictures.
- Nic could do no wrong and I was the one who had to take care of my younger brother when mom was working. She later told me that she was harder on me because I was the girl and she was trying to make me more of a responsible, independent person
The photo thing still bugs me to this day. That is why when I put photos together of my own kids I make sure there is equal number of each child.
I asked my kids "does mom have a favorite?" Faith said yes me, Clayton said yes me, Payton said yes Nathan, Nathan said yes me. How funny is that? I do tell them at different times that they are my favorite. You are my favorite Faith in the whole world... which is totally true they are my favorite out of the whole world. I've also whispered in their ear that they are my favorite child.
I can remember one time when a friend said to me that she always thought she was her parents favorite child, only to find out they had been saying it too both children through out their childhood. Each child grew up believing they were the favorite and not to tell the other one cause it would hurt their feelings.
So do you have a favorite child? do you let on that they are your favorite? Do I have a favorite child? yes, but it changes with how I feel about the children on any given day.