Well, well, well after the winter that wasn't, it's kinda nice to have springtime start alittle early. Hopefully this means we will have a descent summer. I'm not talking about super hot and no rain. It can rain at night and be nice during the day, the temp can be about mid 20's. I don't want it crazy warm.
Spring time, I put bird feed in our bird feeder and saw some little birds eating from it. I'm just hoping the squirrel doesn't see it. The kids are in their spring jackets with (mostly) splash pants on and their rubber boats.
I love spring time because we are that much closer too summer.
This month is sign up for summer activities. Payton wants to do Fort Whyte this summer while the other kids want to do MiniU. I really think that when the other kids see what Payton's going to be doing they are all going to be kicking themselves for not doing it also.
It's spring time! (can't you tell I'm excited for spring??)