January 15, 2009

Other people's blogs

So I like to flip through the other blogs here. More often then not it's written in a language I can't read. Sometimes I come across one that is interesting. Today I found one, and I was like WTF???

It was about her little boy who is 5 or 6. Probably just started school this year. He has been very good in school and got his first warning for talking in the hallway. She goes on to say and I quote *I hope as the years go by and he begins to see the ugliness of his sin, that he also sees the beauty of our saviour." I'm sorry... the ugliness of his sin, he talked in the hallway. Yes he shouldn't have done it, but to make him think it's a sin??? Come on who does not not have impluse control at some point in their lives. She actually told him to pray to god to be forgiven.

If you haven't looked through the other blogs I highly recommend you take a peek; you just might find a blog (other then mine lol) that you enjoy. Just hit the next blog button at the top of the page on the left.

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